UMWELTBERATUNG - UBS, founded in 1987, is active in international development programs and projects providing consulting services in the fields of
- Water quality and water treatment (drinking water, wastewater, groundwater)
- Waste disposal and waste management including hazardous waste
- Environmental and Social Protection and Assessments
- Industrial environmental protection for SME
- Renewable energy and energy efficiency
- Project preparation, appraisal, examination, monitoring and evaluation
- Laboratory upgrade and physical/chemical/microbiological analyses
- Capacity building and institutional strengthening
UMWELTBERATUNG - UBS provides consulting services for bilateral/multilateral donors and various organisations in the field of international development cooperation (ODA), in collaboration with specialised engineering and consulting companies as well as with laboratories.
UMWELTBERATUNG - UBS' main clients are:
- KfW Development Bank, Frankfurt, F.R.G.
- German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Eschborn/Bonn, F.R.G.
- European Development Banks and Organisations (AFD, Paris, France; EBRD, London, UK; EIB, Luxembourg; SDC, Bern, Switzerland)
- European Commission/Europe Aid, Brussels, Belgium and EU Delegations
- World Bank Group, Washington, USA
- Regional Development Banks (ADB, Manila, Philippines; IADB, Washington, USA)
- Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
- City Administrations, Universities, Federations and Private Clients
- Specialised Consulting Companies